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Week35-36: A preliminary plan

2020-10-28 / Sunny


Brief: Final Major Project 

Partner: Chuyi


Reflections on the theme of "Pregnancy"


Through literature's expansion of our knowledge, we formed inspiration in three directions roughly:


Time Flow

The process of conceiving in October is itself something worth recording, a process of birth. In this process, there are three important issues that most art discussions are about:
1/ Identity [Change of person's identity]
2 / time
3/ Birth of life

Form 1 | time slice
The passage of time can be seen as an instant change.

Reflect the moment of change, reflect the passage of time.











Hiroshi Sugimoto Theatre series

The interactive image form enables the user to change his or her "identity" over the course of 10 months, with the man becoming the father/woman becoming the mother and the lover becoming the relative.


Such as:

1/ Live experience game design: nonlinear interactive game experience, an experiential game completed by couples.
Form: VR/multi-screen + interactive large screen

2/ App Design: Artistic but functional app. The registered users are not one person, but a couple in pregnancy. By written
Recording, task and other functional design, in the process of 10 months, let two people participate at the same time, to achieve the transformation of identity. It can also solve the problem of "emotion and communication".

3/ User experience study on different stages of pregnancy. Video, conversation, video.


Sense of Shared

Pregnancy is a "personal" experience for a mother whose true feelings cannot be Shared. For the father of the other, the lack of physical perception leads to a lack of understanding of the term "pregnant". Thus forming our theme: communication between couples through "Shared perception".

The most intuitive installation

Labor Pain Simulation
Use wearable device design directly to simulate pregnancy experience.

Non-intuitive perception of sharing.
A wearable device on the pregnant side can record relevant status and data information perceptually. Through other Form (for example, in the form of a ring, the father and the mother each have a ring, when the mother has a fetal movement or calls the father, the ring on the father's end will respond, such as vibration) share with the father, and use the information to establish communication and understanding between the two.



Emotional Communication

Emotional problems are a pain point for users early in pregnancy. When emotional instability, communication and understanding are difficult to achieve, and even appear related mental disorders.
We can focus on the possibilities between ways of solving emotional problems and interaction design. Emotional catharsis, emotional management, emotional communication and other products or devices in the design.


Meditation and emotional soothing products

Combine the emotional relief hardware with pregnant couples interactive game product design.
Emotional communication, activity requires both parties to participate. Boys like games and can play games to exercise.

Both parties can participate in content that is beneficial to different stages of pregnancy, up to delivery.

For example, the motion-sensing game function of co-participation.
Nintendo switch ring fit adventure / Fitness boxing / Nintendo Labo

屏幕快照 2020-11-10 11.57.18 AM.png

Form 2 | time record
An image is a record of time. Record the passage and change of time through the form of video recording.

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