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Week25-26: Outcome

2020-5-22 / Sunny


Brief: Design an experience that reveals and explores the everyday impact of space satellites

Partner: Alex & Abigail & Evelyn


Our final project is to help children aged 5-8 intuitively understand the space environment and relevant knowledge of space debris in the children's museum through the physical model and digital game.


The Game Process

The children are entering the museum to see the exhibition. They will first visit our physical model, through which they can understand the current chaotic environment in space. When they go through the physical model, they go to a space station, actually a gaming machine, and play a digital game.






Physical Model

Due to the limitation of objective conditions, we could not buy the materials we needed, so we finally displayed the physical part in the way of Diorama. This is also a pity. This part is an upgrade of prototype last time, including defining the age group of experience-takers (5-8years old) and rethinking how to design experience space for children. We use air blowers to simulate the movement of space junk to make the experience more interactive. We used storytelling to make a presentation video to make up for the limitation of not being able to use the real space for everyone to experience. Meanwhile, we set the idea of the space station to make the physical part and digital part more coherent.














Digital game

We finally modified some Settings in the game according to the feedback from students and players. We've reduced the size of space junk and increased the size of cleaning robots. And added the effect of an explosion after hitting a normal satellite.

屏幕快照 2020-06-17 10.37.07 PM.png


This is the final presentation of the video game, you can also click on the unzip package below, unzip play!

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