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Week33-34: Determine the final design

2020-11-13 / Sunny


Brief: Final Major Project 

Partner: Chuyi

After my discussion with Chuyi this week, we decided to design from the perspective of pregnant women's emotions.In this direction, we design two more forms of interaction


1、Form of interaction
Psychotherapy and the Internet of Things


The user (and both) tells the same subject matter, both of them carrying input hardware of their design. Capture brain waves (emotion analysis), face analysis (computer vision) and heart rate (data changes), and synchronously output a visual image designed by elements (the state during conversation will affect the "emotional" color change of the picture).
















2、Form of interaction

An art form of user research
By using the narrative voice to compare the different views of individuals on a common issue.


Users (male and female) tell the same topic separately. The input device (voice input) (mood recognition [assuming it can be done]) will judge the characteristics of emotion and voice by the "words" that appear most in the recognition, and identify the proportion and composition of different voice and emotion in words. Thus, two people may have different "emotions" based on "narrative words" for the same event.


By using a set of visual elements that are clearly bisexual. Constitute a "dynamic infographic of change"
Two sets of dynamic infographics are projected onto a transparent screen and superimposed to form a dynamic information art work.
















Design of user interviews

Question: The most impressive thing about pregnancy
Let the user have no open-ended representation of goals

Predictable results:
1、With different people, the most impressive thing is different.
The wife said A, the husband said B, the parents said C...
Benefit: Explore different people's perspectives and viewpoints
Cons: Lack of a benchmark for comparison.

2、 How things relate to emotions
When we talk about something afterwards, we may look for a "neutral and calm" perspective.
Benefit: The object will have a chance to reflect its own deep self - analysis.
Cons: Not enough emotional response to events

3、Unclear presentation of the object results in a lack of logic or continuity in the object's language and narrative (speaking where you think)
Benefits: Get a natural perspective
Cons: Easy to lose the main line

 Content analysis and programming logic of user interviews



This is the design idea for our first edition. However, we found that our design focus was on user interviews and graphic design, and the experience of both interviewees and visitors was insufficient, and the underlying idea we wanted to convey would be weakened.

So Chuyi decided to come to Wuhan next week and work with me to revise the plan until we finished the work






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屏幕快照 2020-11-10 06.11.40 PM.png
屏幕快照 2020-11-10 06.21.20 PM.png
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