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Week31-32: In the early design

2020-9-27 / Sunny


Brief: Final Major Project 

Partner: Chuyi


Topic selection

In the graduation project, I chose to cooperate with Chuyi because of the topic selection. Our common interest is in accessible design. The accessible design emphasized in the public space environment and all kinds of building facilities, equipment, planning, and design, must be fully considered with different degree of physical disability and loss of normal activities, such as the disabled and the elderly use requirements, provide services and equipment to meet those needs, establish a love, safe, convenient and comfortable modern living environment.

But the concept of disability is actually much broader. Have you ever eaten in a noisy restaurant and couldn't hear what your friend across the street was saying? This is situational deafness. Have you ever accidentally cut your finger and been unable to use it for days, or recently been unable to swipe your face to unlock your phone because you wore a mask outside because of the epidemic? These are Situational or temporary disabilities.















More examples:

Trying to use a cell phone while driving: Situational visual impairment, physical impairment, attention deficit

Taking a bumpy bus/subway ride: Situational finger sensitivity disorder

Foreign travel language barrier: situational oral communication barrier

Carrying bags when shopping: Situational physical impairment

Ophthalmic dilatation examination: temporary visual impairment

Plaster cast after fracture: temporary physical impairment

Morning rush without coffee: Temporary cognitive impairment


In these cases, a normally able-bodied person will have exactly the same limitations when using your product (whether physical or online) as someone with a disability.


Target Population Targeting

For our own sake, Chuyi and I decided that we would focus on pregnant women. For most women, pregnancy is a time when the body changes so much that it can be a temporary inconvenience.

Based on the survey, we classified the changes that will occur after pregnancy into changes in vision, hearing, mobility, and cognition.


Vision (visual): on the vision, pregnant women is not very convenient to see the way under the foot, 
up and down the stairs must be careful.


Hearing (Hearing) : 

Mobility: Slow mobility. Walking for a long time is prone to backache and fatigue.

Psychological: Due to the changes in hormone levels, pregnant women have great emotional fluctuations, which need to be understood and cared for by their families.

Physical: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, lethargy, and other symptoms.


Next, we analyzed the environment that pregnant women might be in, and we divided them into public environments and private environments. In the public environment, including shopping malls, public transportation, etc. The design elements include the entrance to the mall and the restrooms in the mall, which are difficult to use because of the changes in the pregnant woman's body.














屏幕快照 2020-11-09 05.11.39 PM.png
屏幕快照 2020-11-09 05.11.29 PM.png

A list of design elements needs to be considered when creating a barrier-free environment are, 

ramps, handrails, and grab bars, lifts, signage, information and service counters, etc.

such as at home, the use of self-help fetal heart monitor, 

to help pregnant women feel uncomfortable to keep track of the health of the fetus.

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